360 degree feedback, organizational trust, change & sustainability
Best Practice in 360 Degree Feedback: No. 11 - Make it easy to answer
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Monday 5 November 2007
Questionnaires have to be user friendly. You have to be able to read the question and get it 'in one'. People are overloaded with surveys these days, the attitude of may respondents can be "Let's get this done quick".

To ensure good information you have to make it easy to respond, short, sharp, clear questions that you can understand at first read. Double barrelled and triple barrelled questions cannot be answered easily. "Develops a plan and follows it to completion" is asking two questions. If the person has a good plan but doesn't follow it, how do I respond? If the person has a poor plan but carries it out diligently, what then?

Flaws of this kind are legion in the questionnaires that people devise. Sometimes they are just not obvious at first reading - it depends on the situation of the person who is to respond. Try out the survey and see what people think - is it easy to answer? Does it get you the information you want? Keep it clear and simple, it will gather the information you want, even from the jaded questionnaire filler! We have a great track record in questionnaire development if you want our assistance.

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posted by Dr Ron @ 09:24  
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